讲座预告|Erzhuan (Mike) Zhou| 数字孪生及在电网在线分析中应用


报告题目: 数字孪生及在电网在线分析中应用Digital Twin and Its Application in Power Grid Online Analysis







Dr Erzhuan (Mike) Zhou is currently with China Electric Power Research Institute as a Principal System Architect. His research interest lies in the field of power system analysis, Big Data, Machine Learning, Digital Twin, and their applications to power grid online analysis. He holds a Ph.D. degree and a Master's degree, both in Electrical Engineering, from Tsinghua University and a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Hunan University. He has over 40-year experience in both electrical power engineering field and information technology field. In 1996, he introduced the object-oriented programming approach for power system simulation to the power engineering community. In 2005, he created the InterPSS project, a free and open power system simulation software development project. Before coming back to China in 2014, he was a senior software system architect with TIBCO Software Inc in Palo Alto, California USA, specializing in the design and implementation of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), and Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) based large-scale enterprise IT solutions.